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(2004)A possibility of using biogeochemical data to define synchronous stratigraphic levels in Sarmatian sections of southern Ukraine is considered. Data on chemical composition of bivalve Donax dentiger Eichw., Ervilia dissita ...
(2001)During the Messinian, 6 m.y. ago, massive sea-level fall and widespread deposition of evaporites occurred in the Mediterranean Sea when it became isolated from the world oceans. Here we present the first hydrogen isotope ...
(2006)A fish otolith assemblage from the Messinian 'Lago-mare' deposits of the Colombacci Formation cropping out in the Montecalvo in Foglia Syncline, Marche, central Italy, is described. The assemblage displays a low diversity ...
(2006)In the Eastern Mediterranean, offshore Egypt, the Nile continental margin is characterized by a large deep water turbiditic system known as the Nile Deep Sea Fan. This post-Miocene terrigenous construction covers an ...
(Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Геофизический центр Российской академии наук, 2017)For the five years a set of various data was obtained from the relatively deep-water Upper Miocene sediments exposed in the Zheleznyi Rog section (Taman Peninsula, Russia). The data includes measurements of magnetic ...
(2006)The Melilla carbonate complex (NE Morocco) is the only area of the Paleo-Mediterranean Sea where volcanic activity was present throughout most of the Messinian. 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic tuffs interbedded within the ...
(2006)Multi-channel seismic reflection data and borehole information were used to study the structure and stratigraphy of the Levantine basin, offshore Israel. A new, 2D seismic survey that covers the southeastern Mediterranean ...
(2006)New structural and sedimentary studies form the basis of a new interpretation for the Neogene Hatay Graben. Fault analysis reveals three contemporaneous trends of fault orientation (000°-180°, 045°-225° and 150°-350°) ...
(2006)The Periadriatic foredeep (Italy) was generated by Neogene downbending of the Adria Plate under the Apennine Chain. The basin is filled with Plio-Pleistocene siliciclastic turbidites. Its substratum consists of the carbonate ...
(2006)The continental margin of the central Levant, offshore northern Israel and southern Lebanon is characterized by a sharp continental-oceanic crustal transition, exhibited on the bathymetry as a steep continental slope. At ...
(2006)Along the Ligurian coast (NW Italy), Alpine-folded and slightly metamorphosed rocks experienced fluvial to marine erosion prior to and during the base level fall associated with the Messinian salinity crisis. Following the ...
(2006)Structural analysis of the Nile deep-sea fan (NDSF) indicates that post-Miocene deformation is largely controlled by down-slope movement above a Messinian salt layer. In contrast to other similar systems, the NDSF shows ...
(2006)One of the most important processes leading to the deterioration of groundwater in Israel is the migration of brines penetrating into fresh groundwater bodies. Such manifestations occur at an ever increasing frequency and ...
(2006)The Levantine Basin in the South-eastern Mediterranean Sea is a world class site for studying the initial stages of salt tectonics driven by differential sediment load, because the Messinian evaporites are comparatively ...
(Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московский государственный университет им. М. В. Ломоносова», 2014)В ходе изучения магнитной восприимчивости верхнемиоценовых пород разреза мыса Железный Рог (Тамань) впервые получены данные о циклостратиграфии понтических отложений Восточного Паратетиса. Статистическими методами, включающими ...
Now showing items 1-15 of 15