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(2006)The epithermal El Peñon gold–silver deposit consists of quartz–adularia veins emplaced within a late Upper Paleocene rhyolitic dome complex, located in the Paleocene–Lower Eocene Au–Ag belt of northern Chile. Detailed K–Ar ...
(2002)Pistillate heads with a single ripening fruit and peltate carpellodia from the Tsagayan deposits of the Amur Region are assigned to a new genus of the Platanaceae, Oreocarpa N. Maslova et Krassilov gen. nov. The heads ...
(2001)A new species of giant chimaeroid Edaphodon eolucifer sp. nov. (family Edaphodontidae) from the basal horizon of the Beryozovaya Beds (Lower Paleocene, Danian) is described based on the lower jaw (“mandibular”), and anterior ...
(2006)Recent geochemical studies of volcanic rocks forming part of the ophiolites within the Zagros and Naien-Baft orogen indicate that most of them were developed as supra-subduction ophiolites in intra-oceanic island arc ...
(2003)A continuous age model for the brief climate excursion at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary has been constructed by assuming a constant flux of extraterrestrial 3He (3HeET) to the seafloor. 3HeET measurements from ODP Site 690 ...
(2006)The precise cause and timing of the Cretaceous-Paleocene (K-P) mass extinction 65 Ma ago remains a matter of debate. Many advocate that the extinction was caused by a meteorite impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, and a number of ...
(2006)Extreme global warmth and an abrupt negative carbon isotope excursion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) have been attributed to a massive release of methane hydrate from sediments on the continental slope ...
(1999)Changes in species diversity, taxonomy, and structure of late Paleocene-Eocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages are discussed using the results of the analysis of their distribution in the North Pacific region along ...
(2006)The origin and evolution of the Late Cretaceous and Late Cretaceous–Paleogene island arcs, which make up accreted terranes in the present-day structure of southern Koryakia and eastern Kamchatka, have actively been discussed ...
(2005)A Late Paleocene (~60 Ma BP) lateritic soil from Northern Ireland (the Antrim paleosol, herein referred to as Nire) contains coexisting goethite, gibbsite, phyllosilicate, and hematite. The Fe(III) oxides exhibit pisolitic ...
(2006)This taxonomic review of the scleractinian corals of the Maastrichtian and Paleocene period focuses on the scleractinian suborders Astrocoeniina, Faviina, Rhipidogyrina and Amphiastraeina. This, the first extensive compilation ...
(2006)Biostratigraphic, isotopic, and petrologic data from the Central Pontides document major southward growth of the Eurasian continental crust by subduction-accretion during the Cretaceous and Triassic Periods. A major part ...
(2006)Alkaline (sodic) volcanic rocks, i.e., ankaratrites-melanephelinites, basanites-tephrites, and phonolites, dated at 119 Ma and similar in composition to the 60-Ma plugs of the Asunción Province, occur in Eastern Paraguay ...
(2006)We report a new proviverrine hyaenodontid creodont mammal, Boualitomus marocanensis, n.g., n.sp., from the earliest Eocene of Morocco, and provide new comments on Tinerhodon from the late Paleocene of Morocco. Aside from ...
(2001)Maastrichtian dinosaur bone remains from the Naran Bulak locality (the Gobi Desert) with well-preserved bone textural features are enriched in some trace elements, primarily in REE. These features of vertebrate fossils ...
(2003)Dispersal of mammals into Europe at the beginning of the Eocene is conventionally interpreted as being solely from North America via the Greenland land bridge, as other routes were apparently unavailable because of the ...
(2006)The evolution of Tethyan phosphogenesis during the Cretaceous-Eocene is examined to try to explain fluctuations of phosphogenesis through time, and whether or not they reflect long-term changes in ocean circulation or in ...
(2003)Fossil bivalves bearing oblique ribs first appeared in the Mid Ordovician but their diversity remained low during the Palaeozoic. The diversity soon increased after the Early Triassic, peaking in the Early Cretaceous. The ...
(2006)Large submarine canyons incise most continental margins, but outcrops of comparably sized ancient examples are relatively rare. A preserved cross section of a filled Cretaceous-Paleocene submarine canyon, tens of kilometers ...
(2004)In the northeastern Peri Tethys, the Goryachii Klyuch facies of the upper Paleocene are much more widespread than it was believed before. The facies correspond to dark colored, predominantly carbonate-free sediments bearing ...
Now showing items 1-20 of 67