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Статьи, тезисы докладов: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 2495
(2013)It is well documented that the Khondalite Belt of the North China Craton formed by the collision of the Yinshan and Ordos Blocks during ca. 1.95 Ga, but the onset of the post-collisional exhumation stage has not been well ...
(2017)Archean supracrustal granulites occur as localized slivers or rafts in granitoids, and this particular occurrence of supracrustal granulites has not been much concerned from the perspective of metamorphic evolution. The ...
(2010)Eclogites and related high-P metamorphic rocks occur in the Zaili Range of the Northern Kyrgyz Tien-Shan (Tianshan) Mountains, which are located in the south-western segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Eclogites ...
(2016)Статья направлена на решение проблемы формирования и реконструкции пространственного положения в неопротерозое тектонической структуры Енисейского кряжа — ключевого элемента западной окраины Сибирского кратона и ...
(2021)В работе впервые рассматриваются минералогические, структурно-кристаллохимические и изотопно-геохронологические особенности двух образцов глобулярных слоистых силикатов глауконит-иллитового ряда (ГСС), отобранных из ...
(2005)Transformation of resource and geochemical ecological functions of the lithosphere (EFL) is characterized. It is expressed in the alteration of lithosphere resources vital for biota and human society life activity, quality ...
(2008)Cymrite, BaAl2Si2O8 · nH2O, is a rare mineral formed during low-grade dynamothermal metamorphism (T = 250–300°C, P = 1–3 kbar). Cymrite has been described from many metasedimentary ores and hydrothermal rocks. In carbonatites, ...
(2014)Studies were taken of ore-bearing rocks, ores and gravity concentrates from Natalka gold deposit by a set of complex methods including mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical research, gravity concentration, and ...
(2019)Within the Chu-Kendyktas Precambrian terrane located in Southern Kazakhstan (in the western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt), medium- and high-grade metamorphic formations have been identified and attributed to the ...
(2012)The Aktyuz metamorphic terrane in the Kyrgyz northern Tianshan consists of granitoid gneisses and migmatites with subordinate paragneisses, greenschists, presumed meta-ophiolites, and garnet amphibolite dykes that contain ...
(2014)Ultra-high-temperature (UHT) granulite-facies rocks offer important constraints on crustal evolution processes and tectonic history of orogens. UHT granulites are generally rare in Phanerozoic orogens. In this study, we ...
(2024)В крупном Куларском золотоносном районе (из россыпей извлечено 170 т золота) имеются относительно слабо изученные коренные золоторудные месторождения, освоение которых требует проведения детальных геологических работ, ...
(2012)We present new, whole-rock major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth elements (REE), platinum-group elements (PGE), and Re–Os isotope data from the upper mantle peridotites of a Cretaceous Neo-Tethyan ophiolite ...
(2010)Xenolithic peridotites having a similar range of major element compositions from two nearby localities in the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton, provide a rare opportunity to explore effects resulting from both ...
(2014)We report on the structure, geochemistry, Re–Os isotopes and relative abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSEs) of the Paleozoic peridotite–basalt occurrences in the Eastern Pontide belt of northeastern Turkey. These ...
(2007)New isotopic studies of 142Nd, the daughter product of the short-lived and now extinct isotope 146Sm, have revealed that the accessible part of the silicate Earth (e.g., upper mantle and crust) is more radiogenic in ...
(2014)The pace of revolution in analytical chemistry in the field of Geosciences has been dramatic over the recent decades and includes fundamental developments that have become common place in many related and unrelated ...
(2006)Проведен анализ имеющихся в литературе мировых данных о минеральном составе, стадийности минералообразования, РТХ-условиях формирования, субстрате исходных пород, источнике флюида при формировании родингитов, несущих золотое ...
(2016)В Киалимской и Малоиремельской золотых россыпях Миасской россыпной зоны на Южном Урале найдено 24 минерала элементов платиновой группы (ЭПГ). Родарсенит, боуит, купрородсит и ксингцхонгит(?) на Урале обнаружены впервые. В ...
(2019)Обсуждаются результаты определения U-Pb изотопного возраста уранового оруденения Туюканского рудного узла в Тонодском районе методом изотопного разбавленя и термоионной масс-спектрометрии (ТИМС) по настурану. Установлено, ...
Now showing items 21-40 of 2495