central Nova Scotia margin off Eastern Canada is located at a transition from a volcanic margin in the south to a non-volcanic margin in the north. In order to study this transition, a wide-angle refraction seismic line with dense airgun shots was acquired across the central Nova Scotia margin. The 500-km-long transect is coincident with previous deep reflection profiles across the Lahave Platform and extending into the Sohm Abyssal Plain. A P-wave velocity model was developed from forward and inverse modelling of the wide-angle data from 21 ocean bottom seismometers and coincident normal-incidence reflection profiles. The velocity model shows that the continental crust is divided into three layers with velocities of 5.5-6.9 km s-1. The maximum thickness is 36 km. A minor amount (~5 km) of thinning occurs beneath the outer shelf, while the major thinning to a thickness of 8 km occurs over the slope region. The seaward limit of the continental crust consists of 5-km-thick highly faulted basement. There is no evidence for magmatic underplating beneath the continental crust. On the contrary, a 4-km-thick layer of partially serpentinized mantle (7.6-7.95 km s-1) begins beneath the highly faulted continental crust, and extends ~200 km seawards, forming the lower part of the ocean-continent transition zone. The upper part of the transition zone consists of the highly faulted continental crust and 4- to 5-km-thick initial oceanic crust. The continent-ocean boundary is moved ~50 km farther seawards compared to an earlier interpretation based only on reflection seismic data. The oceanic crust in the transition zone consists of layer 2 and a high-velocity lower crustal layer. Layer 2 is 1-3 km thick with velocities of 5.6-6.0 km s-1. The high-velocity lower crustal layer is 1-2 km thick with velocities of 7.25-7.4 km s-1, suggesting a composite layer of serpentinized peridotite and gabbroic layer 3. Oceanic crust with normal thickness of 5-7 km and more typical layer 3 with velocities of 6.95-7.3 km s-1 is observed at the seaward end of the profile. © 2006 The Authors Journal compilation © 2006 RAS.