The P and S seismic anomalies in the upper mantle beneath the Pamir-Hindukush collision zone and surrounding areas are investigated using more than 4 × 105 traveltimes from 5775 events located in the study region, recorded by the stations of the worldwide seismic network and reported in the ISC catalogue. All available epicentral distance ranges of seismic rays are considered. All sources are relocated using an algorithm, which includes the double-difference method. In addition, source parameters are corrected in the main inversion step, simultaneously with the velocity models. The high reliability of the resulting P-velocity images is confirmed by various tests. The S model provides much smoother patterns, which are, however, generally consistent with P anomalies. Our model shows a complex image of lithospheric plate under the study region. Under SW Hindukush, the northwards subducting Indian plate is imaged throughout the upper mantle and transition zone. Further to the NE, within a 300-km-wide zone the upper part of the plate overturns and then the slab breaks off after it narrows at ~250 km depth. The tomographic model also provides evidence for the southward subduction of the lithosphere beneath the southern Tien Shan down to at least 250 km depth. To the north of Tarim, we observe a northward-dipping of the Tarim plate down to ~500 km depth. At the crustal depth our model shows alternating belts of high and low velocities parallel to the main thrusting faults, which indicate complex crustal structure in this region. © 2006 The Authors Journal compilation © 2006 RAS.