Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf).

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dc.contributor.author Lichtschlag, Anna
dc.contributor.author Donis, Daphne
dc.contributor.author Janssen, Felix
dc.contributor.author Jessen, Gerdhard L
dc.contributor.author Holtappels, Moritz
dc.contributor.author Wenzhöfer, Frank
dc.contributor.author Mazulmyan, Sonia
dc.contributor.author Sergeeva, Nelly G
dc.contributor.author Waldmann, Christoph
dc.contributor.author Boetius, Antje
dc.coverage.spatial MEDIAN LATITUDE: 44.701066 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 33.017388 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 44.597333 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 32.817167 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 44.825000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 33.161167 * DATE/TIME START: 2010-04-26T17:13:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2010-05-07T03:00:00
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-24T06:23:33Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-24T06:23:33Z
dc.date.issued 2015-03-24
dc.identifier https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.844879
dc.identifier https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.844879
dc.identifier.citation Lichtschlag, Anna; Donis, Daphne; Janssen, Felix; Jessen, Gerdhard L; Holtappels, Moritz; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Mazulmyan, Sonia; Sergeeva, Nelly G; Waldmann, Christoph; Boetius, Antje (2015): Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf). Biogeosciences, 12, 5075-5092, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-12-5075-2015
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.geologyscience.ru/handle/123456789/7531
dc.description.abstract The outer western Crimean shelf of the Black Sea is a natural laboratory to investigate effects of stable oxic versus varying hypoxic conditions on seafloor biogeochemical processes and benthic community structure. Bottom-water oxygen concentrations ranged from normoxic (175 µmol O2/L) and hypoxic (< 63 µmol O2/L) or even anoxic/sulfidic conditions within a few kilometers' distance. Variations in oxygen concentrations between 160 and 10 µmol/L even occurred within hours close to the chemocline at 134 m water depth. Total oxygen uptake, including diffusive as well as fauna-mediated oxygen consumption, decreased from 15 mmol/m**2/d on average in the oxic zone, to 7 mmol/m**2/d on average in the hypoxic zone, correlating with changes in macrobenthos composition. Benthic diffusive oxygen uptake rates, comprising respiration of microorganisms and small meiofauna, were similar in oxic and hypoxic zones (on average 4.5 mmol/m**2/d), but declined to 1.3 mmol/m**2/d in bottom waters with oxygen concentrations below 20 µmol/L. Measurements and modeling of porewater profiles indicated that reoxidation of reduced compounds played only a minor role in diffusive oxygen uptake under the different oxygen conditions, leaving the major fraction to aerobic degradation of organic carbon. Remineralization efficiency decreased from nearly 100 % in the oxic zone, to 50 % in the oxic-hypoxic zone, to 10 % in the hypoxic-anoxic zone. Overall, the faunal remineralization rate was more important, but also more influenced by fluctuating oxygen concentrations, than microbial and geochemical oxidation processes.
dc.format application/zip, 33 datasets
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher PANGAEA
dc.rights CC-BY-3.0: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
dc.rights Access constraints: unrestricted
dc.source Supplement to: Lichtschlag, Anna; Donis, Daphne; Janssen, Felix; Jessen, Gerdhard L; Holtappels, Moritz; Wenzhöfer, Frank; Mazulmyan, Sonia; Sergeeva, Nelly G; Waldmann, Christoph; Boetius, Antje (2015): Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf). Biogeosciences, 12, 5075-5092, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-12-5075-2015
dc.subject HYPOX
dc.subject In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas and land-locked water bodies
dc.title Effects of fluctuating hypoxia on benthic oxygen consumption in the Black Sea (Crimean shelf).
dc.title.alternative High-resolution in situ oxygen microprofiles, porewater and solid phase geochemistry from the Crimean shelf (Black Sea) from Maria S. Merian cruise MSM15/1
dc.type Dataset

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