Nachtegaal M.; Marcus M.A.; Sonke J.E.; Vangronsveld J.; Livi K.J.T.; van Der Lelie D.; Sparks D.L.(2005)
We report results from an extensive study on the speciation of zinc (Zn) and its relation to the mobility and bioavailablity of this element in a smelter contaminated soil and an in situ remediated area of this soil 12 yr ...
Nachtegaal M.; Scheidegger A.M.; D?hn R.; Chateigner D.; Furrer G.(2005)
The sorption capacity of montmorillonite clay minerals for small cations, such as Ni2+, can be greatly enhanced by modifying the clay mineral with Al(III). In this study, the mechanisms of Ni uptake by Al-modified ...