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(2006)The terminal Neoproterozoic succession in the Lesser Himalaya of India, including the Infra Krol Formation and Krol Group, represent the thickest known accumulation of carbonate strata of this time period, and hence is an ...
(2006)Modern concept of seismic hazard assessment is based on the assumption that what was observed in the past could likely be expected in the future. It could be easily recognized by comparison of spatial distribution of maximum ...
(2006)A new study of Black Mesa pluton (Henry Mountains, Colorado Plateau, Utah, USA) indicates that it is a classic example of a small upper-crustal pluton assembled over a few years by incremental amalgamation of discrete magma ...
(2006)For the Puna Plateau and Eastern Cordillera of NW Argentina, the temporal and spatial pattern of deformation and surface uplift remain poorly constrained. Analysis of completely and partially reset apatite fission track ...
(2006)This paper describes recent material gathered during the second fieldwork at Ma U'Oi in November 2002 by a Vietnamese-French-Japanese team. The Ma U'Oi cave, located in the province of Hoà Binh (60 km SW from Hanoi), ...
(2006)At least two supercontinents - Rodinia and Gondwana - have been proposed for the 1200-500 Ma time interval on the basis of stratigraphic, geochronological and paleomagnetic grounds. Although the exact configuration of ...
(2006)Deposition of shallow - water carbonates on the vast Yangtze Platform of south China spanned the late Proterozoic through Middle Triassic, accumulating as much as 4000 m during the Early and Middle Triassic. Deeper-water ...
(2006)Discordant cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages derived from 10Be, 26Al, and 14C extracted from quartz in rocky summits along the eastern rim of the central Baffin Island plateau provide constraints on the efficiency of erosion ...
(2006)A multidisciplinary study of silicified volcanoclastic, near-shore deposits from the 3.446 Ga "Kitty's Gap Chert," Warrawoona Group, Pilbara, reveals that they contain a wealth of carbonaceous microbial fossil remains. The ...
(2006)The fossil record of wetlands documents unique and long-persistent fl oras and faunas with wetland habitats spawning or at least preserving novel evolutionary characteristics and, at other times, acting as refugia. In ...
(2006)The geochemistry of river water, river sediments, and suspended matter in three mountainous watersheds in New Zealand and Taiwan is used to determine chemical erosion yields in regions of rapid tectonic uplift. Suspended ...
(2006)Newly recognized fossil cyclomedusoids from the Yreka terrane include Ediacaria sp. and Beltanella sp. They are typical of the Ediacaran fossil assemblage, range from 640 to 575 Ma, and thus are latest Neoproterozoic ...
(2006)We have studied the magnetic properties of wet and dry late Pleistocene Lake Lisan sediments and the Holocene Dead Sea sediments. Our initial prediction was that the properties of both would be quite similar, because they ...
(2006)A quantitative model is proposed for the long-term evolution of lakes and internally drained basins resulting from tectonic vertical motions, sediment infill, outlet erosion, and climatic regime. The model accounts for the ...
(2006)The carbon and oxygen isotopic composition of pedogenic calcite from mid-Turonian paleosols in Israel was analyzed to evaluate paleoenvironmental conditions and calculate paleoatmospheric pCO2. The central area of Israel ...
(2006)This study focuses on two issues that are still a matter of debate in subduction zones, particularly in western México: (1) the close association within the same volcanic complex of typical amphibole-free andesites to ...
(2006)Rare occurrences of clastic metasedimentary rocks within the lowermost stratigraphic units of the Barberton greenstone belt represent one of the few lines of evidence that argue for the existence of some component of evolved ...
(2006)The Ironside Mountain batholith consists of the 170-Ma Ironside Mountain pluton, the quartz diorite of Happy Camp Mountain, the 167-Ma Denny intrusive complex, and the West China Peak intrusive complex. The contact aureole ...
(2006)Diverse wetland vegetation flourished at the margins of the Midland Basin in north-central Texas during the Pennsylvanian Period. Extensive coastal swamps and an ever-wet, tropical climate supported lush growth of pteridosperm, ...
(2006)Four cherts sampled in the East Pilbara craton (Western Australia) at Marble Bar (Towers Formation), North Pole Dome (Dresser and Apex Basalt Formation), and Kittys Gap (Panorama Formation) were studied for micro- and ...