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Browsing Государственный геологический музей им. В.И. Вернадского by Title
Now showing items 39-58 of 232
On the fossil rhinoceros Elasmotherium (including the collections of the Russian Academy of Science) (2005)This article summarizes the result of nearly 200 years of study of the fossil rhinoceros Elasmotherium? first described by Gotthelf Fischer in 1808. Problems of its geographical and chronological distribution are discussed, ...
(2016)Here we are providing a review of aptychi records in ammonites of Boreal origin or that inhabited Boreal/Subboreal basins during the Bathonian–Albian with special focus on new records and the relationship between the ...
(The Geological Society of America, 1997)Permian rocks are widespread in Afghanistan and species of the Fusulinida show that all stages of this system from Asselian to Dorashamian are present. All of the species encountered in this study from almost all known ...
(2011)Дана характеристика зоны Praechetaites exoticus, обсуждаются критерии ее выделения, географическое распространение и корреляция в пределах Панбореальной надобласти. Приводятся дополнительные доводы в пользу средневолжского ...
(2004)Из нижнего бата окрестностей Саратова описан новый род Sokurella, представленный типовым видом S. galaczi sp. nov. и отнесенный к подсемейству Pseudocosmoceratinae (семейство Parkinsoniidae). Приведены краткая характеристика ...
(2004)The history of meteorite collection og the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Science from 1759 to the present day is discussed/
(Czech Geological Survey, Prague, 2017)Present paper discusses finds of peculiar Upper Kimmeridgian belemnitids from Central Russia. Systematic morphological investigation, combined with biometrical comparison and mineralogical study, has shown that these ...
(2018)This paper presents the results of the revision of the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of Central Russian representatives of the Valanginian genus Delphinites. The lower Undaloplicatilis zone of the ...
Now showing items 39-58 of 232