Some new palynological fossils were newly found from the lower part of Upper Cretaceous Yong’ancun Formation in Jiayin, China, nearby the Heilongjiang (Amur) River. 43 genera and 54 species of palynomorphs, and three palynological sub-assemblages have been recently identified in the lower Yong’ancun Formation. The palynomorphs are dominated by gymnosperms and ferns, angiosperm pollen not abundant. The fern spores are represented mainly by Cyathidites-Dictyotriletes, gymnosperms by Pinuspollenites-Podocarpidites, and angiosperms by Retitricolpites-Mancicorpus. The palynological assemblage is comparable in general to those from the Members 2-3 of Yaojia Formation and the Member 1 of Nenjiang Formation in Songliao Basin, China, indicating the Santonian age. The new palynological material provides supplementary evidence for better understanding of the Santonian palynoflora of the Yong’ancun Formation in Jiayin.