Mineral Resources of the Geothermal Sources of the North Caucasus

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dc.contributor.author Mintsaev Magomed
dc.contributor.author Machigova Fatima
dc.contributor.author Khadasheva Zulai
dc.contributor.author Cherkasov Sergei
dc.contributor.author Churikova Tatiana
dc.date.accessioned 2019-09-03T05:51:48Z
dc.date.available 2019-09-03T05:51:48Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier http://repo.kscnet.ru/2975/
dc.identifier http://repo.kscnet.ru/2975/1/Mintsaev_2016.pdf
dc.identifier http://www.ijese.net/makale/1774
dc.identifier.citation Mintsaev Magomed, Machigova Fatima, Khadasheva Zulai, Cherkasov Sergei, Churikova Tatiana (2016) Mineral Resources of the Geothermal Sources of the North Caucasus // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. Vol. 11, Vol. 18. pp. 12973-12984.
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.geologyscience.ru/handle/123456789/5790
dc.description.abstract The growth in the world consumption of raw materials resources accompanied by depletion of ore deposits explains the interest of many countries in the mineral potential of thermal waters. The Russian Federation has vast stocks of geothermal resources, this said, 74.3% of reserves are located in the North Caucasus. The paper contains material indicating substantial hydromineral potential of the North Caucasus, exploitation of which will allow extending the raw material resources base of not only this region but also the country as a whole.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject 38.57.31 Минеральные ресурсы стран и районов
dc.subject 38.61.31 Ресурсы подземных вод
dc.title Mineral Resources of the Geothermal Sources of the North Caucasus
dc.type Статья

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