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Browsing ELibrary by Author "Iezzi G."
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Iezzi G.; Ventura G.D.; Camara F.; Pedrazzi G.; Robert J.L. (2003)Amphiboles were hydrothermally synthesized at 500 8C and 4 kbar in the system Li2O-Na2O-FeO- Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O, with nominal compositions along the riebeckite [¦ Na2Fe3 2+ Fe2 3+ Si8O22(OH)2]-ferri-clinoferroholmquistite [¦ ...
Iezzi G.; Ventura G. (2002)The analysis of the preferred orientation of crystals (crystal fabric) in magmatic rocks has become a widely used technique for the reconstruction of the flow history. However, little is known about the evolution of the ...
Oberti R.; Quartieri S.; Dalconi M.C.; Boscherini F.; Iezzi G.; Boiocchi M. (2006)A multi-technique approach (based on electron microprobe analysis, structure refinement, and EXAFS analysis at the Ca K-edge) was used to characterise the local geometry of Ca in synthetic and natural garnet compositions ...
Ventura G.; Del Gaudio P.; Iezzi G. (2006)Three lava flows (hereafter, flows A, B, and C) from Salina Island (Italy) consist of basaltic andesitic enclaves dispersed in a dacitic matrix. Enclaves represent 8-12 vol.% of the erupted magma. The number of enclaves ...
Camara F.; Iezzi G.; Oberti R. (2003)Ferrian magnesian spodumene was synthesized in the MLFSH system at P=0.4 GPa, T=700 °C, fO2=NNO+2.3. The space group at room T is P21/c [a=9.638(3) A, b=8.709(2) A, c=5.258(2) A, β=109.83(3)°, V=415.2 A3]. The structure ...
Oberti R.; Cámara F.; Ventura G.D.; Iezzi G.; Benimoff A.I. (2006)This work reports the crystal-chemical characterization of Mn-rich amphiboles from the Grenville Marble of the Arnold mine, Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., New York (U.S.A.), which were previously described by Benimoff et al. ...
Della Ventura G.; Iezzi G.; Novembre D.; Redhammer G.J.; Hawthorne F.C.; Scaillet B. (2005)This paper reports the results of hydrothermal synthesis in the system Na2O-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-H2O. Four samples of stoichiometric magnesioriebeckite composition, ideally □Na2Mg3Fe3+2 Si8O22(OH)2, were run at 700–800 °C, ...
Iezzi G.; Cámara F.; Oberti R.; Della Ventura G.; Pedrazzi G.; Robert J.-L. (2004)This work reports the synthesis of ferri-clinoholmquistite, nominally □Li2(Mg3Fe3+2)Si8O22(OH)2, at varying f O 2 conditions. Amphibole compositions were characterized by X-ray (powder and single-crystal) diffraction, ...
Iezzi G.; Novembre D.; Della Ventura G.; Hawthorne F.C.; Pedrazzi G.; Roberrt J.-L. (2005)Amphiboles have been synthesized by hydrothermal techniques at 500–600 °C, 1 Kbar P(H2O) and low oxygen fugacity (close to NNO) at nominal compositions along the join ferri-clinoholmquistite [squareLi2Mg3Fe3+2Si8O22(OH)2] ...
Cámara F.; Oberti R.; Iezzi G.; Della Ventura G. (2003)The P21/mC2/m displacive phase transition in the synthetic end-member amphibole Na NaMg Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 has been studied by monitoring changes in unit-cell parameters and the intensities of superlattice reflections at ...
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