The Mongol-Siberian belt of rejuvenated mountains is an ordered system of large domes, zones of linear warping, and the Baikal rift zone on the broad basement doming. Its morphology is paragenetically related to the shape ...
The mountains of north-eastern Inner Asia comprise the Mongolia-Siberian orogenic belt which has a complex structure. The southern flank of the belt consists of a chain of large domal uplifts. The Baikal rift zone is located ...
The Manzurka Alluvium fills ancient valleys of the Baikal-Lena watershed. Previously, the sequence of the constrative alluvium was considered to be of the Eopleistocene age. Latest investigations showed that despite the ...
The Tunka rift valley extending from the SW termination of Lake Baikal by 200 km westward represents a series of large and smaller troughs separated by subordinate elevations. Inversely uplifted bedrock exposures exhibit ...