Browsing ELibrary by Subject "Zeolite"

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  • Moroz N.K.; Afanassyev I.S.; Paukshtis E.A.; Valueva G.P. (2003)
     A new 1H NMR approach was applied to study the influence of recurring dehydration on the acidity of a natural Ca-rich zeolite clinoptilolite. It has been found that thermal cycling progressively increases the rate of the ...
  • Arletti R.; Ferro O.; Vezzalini G.; Quartieri S.; Sani A.; Tabacchi G. (2003)
    The HP behavior of the natural zeolite yugawaralite and of the synthetic zeolite Na-A was studied by in situ synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction, using a non-penetrating P-transmitting medium. The unit-cell parameters of ...
  • Perchuk L.L.; Aranovich L.Y. (1981)
    Based on mineralogical themometry and baroraetry and computation of mineral reactions modelling metamorphic sequence, a geotherm for metamorphic belts of the subduction zones has been deduced. Relatively low PT-values (3 ...