Quadrupole mass spectrometric (QMS) analysis of small amounts of inclusion fluid (<1 milligram) released by crushing and decrepitation requires methods to: (1) determine the amount of molecular fragmentation relative sensitivity to water other gases, (2) evaluate differential adsorption gases in analytical system, (3) calibrate detector response fluid, (4) detect gas from noninclusion fluid sources.fragmentation during ionization source is pressure dependent. because individual inclusions crushed samples varies over a wide range, corrections are made for this dependence data reduction. procedure especially critical water, dominant component most inclusions. h2O is not quantitatively significant from decrepitated individual inclusions (over a range of 1 x 10-6 to 1 milligram) or crushed samples that contain >1 x 10-4 milligram of H2O. However, adsorption of H2O onto newly created surfaces by crushing samples containing <1 x 10-4 milligram of H2O will result in lower mol% water reported in the gas analysis than present in inclusion fluid prior to release. Gases from noninclusion fluid sources are incorporated into inclusion fluid during both release methods. N2, O2, and Ar from air in the inlet system are entrained into released inclusion fluid. Gases including SO2 and HCl can be generated when inclusion fluid is released into vacuum. Thermal decomposition of minerals and organic compounds can produce CO2, CH4, CO, N2, H2, and other gases that mix with those released from inclusion fluid. The relative contributions of gas from inclusion fluid vs. these other sources can be differentiated using real-time (direct) QMS analysis.