The objectives of this common research project are to evaluate deformation field variations observed with different means in different geodynamical areas of high and low seismic hazards. By the combined analysis of differenet inputs and a complex interpretation of the changes of stress and deformation fields we hope to provide an improvement in seismic hazard assessment. Experimental requirements and possibilities were tested by model computations regarding areas of special interest. Besides the evaluation of different archives to select long-term deformation data the improvement of on-going experiments was one task of the work. To compare seismicity with deformation changes the separation of environmental signals is necessary (correction mainly of meteorologically and hydrologically induced effects on tilt and strain). Finite-element-modelling (FEM) is used to simulate the situations in the areas under study with regard to stress release and deformation. Under this co-operation the data in the archives of the partners from the NIS-countries (New Independent States) were made available, and a data base is being built up. Parts of these data are used here, and much more data still need to be treated. First results are presented.