Inversions of an individual geophysical data set can be highly nonunique, and it is generally difficult to determine petrophysical parameters from geophysical data. We show that both issues can be addressed by adopting a statistical multiparameter approach that requires the acquisition, processing, and separate inversion of two or more types of geophysical data. To combine information contained in the physical-property models that result from inverting the individual data sets and to estimate the spatial distribution of petrophysical parameters in regions where they are known at only a few locations, we demonstrate the potential of the fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering technique. After testing this new approach on synthetic data, we apply it to limited crosshole georadar, crosshole seismic, gamma-log, and slug-test data acquired within a shallow alluvial aquifer. The derived multiparameter model effectively outlines the major sedimentary units observed in numerous boreholes and provides plausible estimates for the spatial distributions of gamma-ray emitters and hydraulic conductivity. © 2006 Society of Exploration Geophysicists.