The distribution of d18O in the Arctic Ocean: implications for the freshwater balance of the halocline and the sources of deep and bottom waters (Die Verteilung von d18O im Arktischen Ozean: Implikationen für die Süßwasserbilanz der Halokline und die Quellen des Tiefen- und Bodenwassers).

Show simple item record Bauch, Dorothea
dc.coverage.spatial MEDIAN LATITUDE: 76.797570 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 38.498935 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 70.000000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -17.520000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 88.276700 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 163.603300 * DATE/TIME START: 1987-06-10T18:41:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1992-01-01T00:00:00 2019-11-26T01:59:44Z 2019-11-26T01:59:44Z 1995-09-26
dc.identifier.citation Bauch, Dorothea (1995): The distribution of d18O in the Arctic Ocean: implications for the freshwater balance of the halocline and the sources of deep and bottom waters (Die Verteilung von d18O im Arktischen Ozean: Implikationen für die Süßwasserbilanz der Halokline und die Quellen des Tiefen- und Bodenwassers). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 159, 144 pp,
dc.description.abstract Data from sections across the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean occupied by the German Research Vessel Polarstern in 1987 and by the Swedish icebreaker Oden in 1991 are used to derive information on the freshwater balance of the Arctic Ocean halocline and on the sources of the deep waters of the Nansen, Amundsen and Makarov basins. Salinity, d18O and mass balances allow separation of the river-runoff and the sea-ice meltwater fractions contained in the Arctic halocline. This provides the basis for tracking the river-runoff signal from the shelf seas across the central Arctic Ocean to Fram Strait. The halocline has to be divided into at least three lateral regimes: the southern Nansen Basin with net sea-ice melting, the northern Nansen Basin and Amundsen Basin with net sea-ice formation and increasing river-runoff fractions, and the Canadian Basin with minimum sea-ice meltwater and maximum river-runoff fractions and water of Pacific origin. In the Canadian Basin, silicate is used as a tracer to identify Pacific water entering through Bering Strait and an attempt is made to quantify its influence on the halocline waters of the Canadian Basin. For this purpose literature data from the CESAR and LOREX ice camps are used. Based on mass balances and depending on the value of precipitation over the area of the Arctic Ocean the average mean residence time of the river-runoff fraction contained in the Arctic Ocean halocline is determined to be about 14 or 11 years. Water column inventories of river-runoff and sea-ice meltwater are calculated for a section just north of Fram Strait and implications for the ice export rate through Fram Strait are discussed. Salinity, tritium, 3He and the d18O ratio of halocline waters sampled during the 1987 Polarstern cruise to the Nansen Basin are used to estimate the mean residence time of the river-runoff component in the halocline and on the shelves of the Arctic Ocean. These estimates are done by comparing ages of the halocline waters based on a combination of tracers yielding different time information: the tritium 'vintage' age which records the time that has passed since the river-runoff entered the shelf and the tritium/3He age which reflects the time since the shelf waters left the shelf. The difference between the ages determined by these two methods is about 3 to 6 years. Correction for the initial tritium/3He age of the shelf waters (about 0.5 to 1.5 years) yields a mean residence time of the river-runoff on the shelves of about 3.5 ± 2 years. Comparison of the 18O/16O ratios of shelf water, Atlantic water and the deep waters of the Arctic Ocean indicate that the sources of the deep and bottom waters of the Eurasian Basin are located in the Barents and Kara seas.
dc.format application/zip, 6 datasets
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher PANGAEA
dc.rights CC-BY-3.0: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
dc.rights Access constraints: unrestricted
dc.source Supplement to: Bauch, Dorothea (1995): The distribution of d18O in the Arctic Ocean: implications for the freshwater balance of the halocline and the sources of deep and bottom waters (Die Verteilung von d18O im Arktischen Ozean: Implikationen für die Süßwasserbilanz der Halokline und die Quellen des Tiefen- und Bodenwassers). Berichte zur Polarforschung = Reports on Polar Research, 159, 144 pp,
dc.subject 91004
dc.subject 91008
dc.subject Arctic Ocean
dc.subject ARK-IV/2
dc.subject ARK-IV/3
dc.subject AWI_Paleo
dc.subject Chejsa Island
dc.subject CTD/Rosette
dc.subject CTD-RO
dc.subject Dalniye Zelentsy
dc.subject DZ-68
dc.subject DZ-68_1
dc.subject DZ-68_10
dc.subject DZ-68_11
dc.subject DZ-68_12
dc.subject DZ-68_13
dc.subject DZ-68_14
dc.subject DZ-68_15
dc.subject DZ-68_16
dc.subject DZ-68_2
dc.subject DZ-68_3
dc.subject DZ-68_5
dc.subject DZ-68_8
dc.subject DZ-68_9
dc.subject E.S.A.R.E.92
dc.subject ESARE92/14
dc.subject ESARE92/17
dc.subject ESARE92/2
dc.subject ESARE92/3
dc.subject ESARE92/4
dc.subject ESARE92/5
dc.subject ESARE92/6
dc.subject ESARE92/7
dc.subject ESARE92/8
dc.subject Green Bell Island
dc.subject Greenland Sea
dc.subject M71
dc.subject M71_79
dc.subject M8/1
dc.subject M8/1_617
dc.subject Meteor (1964)
dc.subject Meteor (1986)
dc.subject MULT
dc.subject Nordenskiöld Bay
dc.subject North Greenland Sea
dc.subject OD91
dc.subject OD91_004
dc.subject OD91_008
dc.subject OD91_009-1
dc.subject OD91_010-1
dc.subject OD91_011-1
dc.subject OD91_012-1
dc.subject OD91_014-1
dc.subject OD91_016-1
dc.subject OD91_017-1
dc.subject OD91_018-1
dc.subject OD91_021-1
dc.subject OD91_023-1
dc.subject OD91_026-1
dc.subject OD91_031-1
dc.subject OD91_033-1
dc.subject OD91_043-1
dc.subject OD91_046-1
dc.subject OD91_048-1
dc.subject OD91_049-1
dc.subject OD91_051-1
dc.subject OD91_055-1
dc.subject OD91_058-1
dc.subject OD91_061-1
dc.subject Oden
dc.subject off Franz-Josef-Land
dc.subject off Novaya Zemlya
dc.subject Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from Marine Sediments @ AWI
dc.subject Polarstern
dc.subject PS11
dc.subject PS11/185-1
dc.subject PS11/187-1
dc.subject PS11/188-1
dc.subject PS11/189-1
dc.subject PS11/190-1
dc.subject PS11/191-1
dc.subject PS11/193-1
dc.subject PS11/194-1
dc.subject PS11/195-1
dc.subject PS11/219-1
dc.subject PS11/220-1
dc.subject PS11/221-1
dc.subject PS11/222-1
dc.subject PS11/223-1
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dc.subject PS11/225-1
dc.subject PS11/226-1
dc.subject PS11/227-1
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dc.subject PS11/246-1
dc.subject PS11/247-1
dc.subject PS11/248-1
dc.subject PS11/249-1
dc.subject PS11/250-1
dc.subject PS11/251-1
dc.subject PS11/252-1
dc.subject PS11/253-1
dc.subject PS11/269-1
dc.subject PS11/285-1
dc.subject PS11/287-1
dc.subject PS11/310
dc.subject PS11/340
dc.subject PS11/358
dc.subject PS11/362
dc.subject PS11/364
dc.subject PS11/365
dc.subject PS11/371
dc.subject Quaternary Environment of the Eurasian North
dc.subject QUEEN
dc.subject Sampling/drilling ice
dc.subject Silicon Cycling in the World Ocean
dc.subject SINOPS
dc.subject SNOW
dc.subject Snow/ice sample
dc.subject Surface water sample
dc.subject SWS
dc.subject Water sample
dc.subject Wilczek Island
dc.subject WS
dc.title The distribution of d18O in the Arctic Ocean: implications for the freshwater balance of the halocline and the sources of deep and bottom waters (Die Verteilung von d18O im Arktischen Ozean: Implikationen für die Süßwasserbilanz der Halokline und die Quellen des Tiefen- und Bodenwassers).
dc.title.alternative Physical and chemical oceanography in the Arctic Ocean
dc.type Dataset

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