On the dynamics of water and suspension in the Keret' River estuary (Karelian coast of the White Sea).

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dc.contributor.author Dolotov, Yury S
dc.contributor.author Kovalenko, V N
dc.contributor.author Lifshits, V Kh
dc.contributor.author Petrov, M P
dc.contributor.author Platonov, A V
dc.contributor.author Prego, Ricardo
dc.contributor.author Ratkova, Tatyana N
dc.contributor.author Filatov, N N
dc.contributor.author Shevchenko, Vladimir P
dc.coverage.spatial MEDIAN LATITUDE: 66.294667 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 33.678333 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 66.289000 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 33.615000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 66.300000 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 33.746000 * MINIMUM DEPTH, water: 2.5 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, water: 10.0 m
dc.date.accessioned 2019-11-26T02:49:40Z
dc.date.available 2019-11-26T02:49:40Z
dc.date.issued 2002-09-02
dc.identifier https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.768863
dc.identifier https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.768863
dc.identifier.citation Dolotov, Yury S; Kovalenko, V N; Lifshits, V Kh; Petrov, M P; Platonov, A V; Prego, Ricardo; Ratkova, Tatyana N; Filatov, N N; Shevchenko, Vladimir P (2002): On the dynamics of water and suspension in the Keret' River estuary (Karelian coast of the White Sea). Translated from Okeanologiya, 2002, 42(5), 765-774, Oceanology, 42(5), 731-740
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.geologyscience.ru/handle/123456789/7943
dc.description.abstract In September 2000 we carried out a comprehensive study of dynamics of water and suspension in the area south of the Chupa Bay adjacent to the Keret' Archipelago and the estuary of the Keret' River (Karelian coast of the White Sea) onboard R/V Ekolog. The entire study area can be divided into three estuary zones characterized by different dynamic regimes: marine, intermediate, and near-mouth zones. Autumn stratification of the water column is particularly distinct in the most dynamic marine zone. The strongest mixing of the upper layer is also observed in the marine zone. The most intensive dilution and the largest thickness of the diluted water layer are found in the near-mouth zone. On the whole in the near-mouth zone concentration of suspended matter is higher than in the intermediate and marine zones. The highest phytoplankton abundance is observed in the marine zone, whereas the lowest one is confined to the near-mouth zone. At all the stations both abundance and biomass of flagellates dominate.
dc.format text/tab-separated-values, 78 data points
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher PANGAEA
dc.rights CC-BY-3.0: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported
dc.rights Access constraints: unrestricted
dc.source Supplement to: Dolotov, Yury S; Kovalenko, V N; Lifshits, V Kh; Petrov, M P; Platonov, A V; Prego, Ricardo; Ratkova, Tatyana N; Filatov, N N; Shevchenko, Vladimir P (2002): On the dynamics of water and suspension in the Keret' River estuary (Karelian coast of the White Sea). Translated from Okeanologiya, 2002, 42(5), 765-774, Oceanology, 42(5), 731-740
dc.subject Archive of Ocean Data
dc.subject ARCOD
dc.subject Chaetoceros socialis, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Choanoflagellates, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Chrysomonadina, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject DEPTH, water
dc.subject Diatoms, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Dinoflagellates, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Ek-00-01
dc.subject Ek-00-05
dc.subject Ek-00-06
dc.subject Ek-00-29
dc.subject Ek-00-B-1
dc.subject Ek-00-B-2
dc.subject Euglenophyta, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Flagellates indeterminata, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Phytoplankton, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Picophytoplankton, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Prymnesiophyceae, biomass as carbon, integrated
dc.subject Water sample
dc.subject White Sea
dc.subject WS
dc.title On the dynamics of water and suspension in the Keret' River estuary (Karelian coast of the White Sea).
dc.title.alternative Biomass of the most abundant taxons and phytoplankton groups in the Keret' River estuary (White Sea) in September 2000
dc.type Dataset

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