Seismic safety of industrial plants is one of the most pressing problems of geophysics. This fully applies to the Caspian region, which includes partially territories of Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, and Iran, possesses the dense population, with widely developed infrastructure and means of communication, large mineral deposits, at first of oil and gas, including marine platforms in the most seismic active south part of the Caspian Sea, as well as operating and projected nuclear and electric stations. In our paper, we represent brief overview our investigations in Caspian mining region geodynamics and seismicity, We carried out our background research by the analysis of geological materials and space images within regions taking into consideration space-geodetic data in the ITRF System ( http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/2014 ), velocities and gradients of Earth' crust modern and recent movements in addition. Schemes of regions include the position of active faults within mining enterprises and main electric stations as well as ore and non-ore mineral deposits, epicenters after NEIC 2014 ( http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/neic/ ) and CMT 2014 ( http://www.seismology.harvard.edu/ ) data with magnitudes 2.99-7.99. Volumes of releasing seismic energy are shown in the scheme after author's calculations. We believe that participation of some well-known Iranian geologists and geophysics, in the project fulfilling will help in the better understanding the structure and seismicity of the Caspian region south part.