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Browsing ELibrary by Title
Now showing items 16734-16753 of 24992
(2000)The decay of the short-lived isotope 182Hf to the isotope 182W early in solar system history provides clues to the origin and evolution of the Earth and Moon. Current time-scales for the formation of proto-planets in the ...
(1997)A new hydrous silicate phase with formula Mg1.71Fe0.177Al0.01Si0.965H0.332O4 has been synthesized at 1400°C and 17.5 GPa from a hydrous iron-rich mantle peridotite composition. The space group is Imma and unit cell parametersa ...
(2005)The crystal structure of the rare mineral wakabayashilite was solved by direct methods using intensity data collected from a twinned crystal. This study revealed that, in spite of the strong hexagonal pseudosymmetry, the ...
(2001)Products of the hydrothermal alteration of rocks and vertical zonality at the Kanimansur silver-polymetallic deposit (Tadjikistan) have been studied. On the basis of these studies, physicocochemical conditions of metasomatism ...
(2006)Well-dated multidecadal-to centennial-scale sediment records from the subarctic northwest Pacific show that the early deglacial 18.5-15.0 ka was marked by 3 pronounced short-term warmings of ~5 °C. They lasted 500-1500 yr ...
(2006)Baltica is a progeny of Rodinia, born from the breakup of the supercontinent in the Neoproterozoic. Within Rodinia, Baltica is generally placed adjacent to NE Laurentia but in a variety of configurations, which vary by up ...
(2002)The problem of the existence of a Tethys circumglobal current (TCC) in the Late Cretaceous continental geometry (Campanian) is addressed. Within an ocean model which is expected to strongly overestimate the wind-driven TCC ...
(2003)Crystals of natron, Na2CO3·10H2O, were grown by slow evaporation of a saturated sodium carbonate solution at room temperature. A single-crystal fragment was measured on a CCD X-ray four-circle diffractometer at 110, 270 ...
(2003)Magma degassing may occur either with no significant gas escape from the magma column, which corresponds with typical Plinian type eruptions, or with gas loss, which corresponds with typical effusive (dome-building) ...
(2000)A review of published and newly measured densities for 40 hydrous silicate glasses indicates that the room-temperature partial molar volume of water is 12.0 ± 0.5 cm3/mol. This value holds for simple or mineral compositions ...
(2000)To determine the effect of water on the rheology of depolymerized melts, we have measured the viscosity of two series of hydrated synthetic aluminosilicate melts analogous in bulk polymerization to tephritic and basanitic ...
(2006)Infrared spectroscopy and ion micro-probe measurements showed that the major constituent minerals of eclogites from the Kokchetav massif, which have been subducted to ~180 km depths, contain significant amounts of water ...
(2006)Dehydration experiments on basaltic, andesitic and dacitic glasses with 1.1, 0.7 and 1.0 wt.% total water, respectively, were performed at 400-675 °C and 0.1 MPa. The dehydration rates were measured by in situ infrared ...
(2003)The kinetics of hydrogenation of dry synthetic forsterite single crystals was determined by performing experiments under hydrothermal conditions. The experiments were performed at 1.5 GPa, 1000 °C for 3 h in a piston-cylinder ...
(2004)The dehydration rate of hydrous rhyolitic glasses at 475-875 °C was measured by in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy in order to determine the diffusion coefficient of water in rhyolitic glasses. The IR spectra of glass thin ...
(2002)Hartree-Fock and B3LYP NMR calculations were performed at the 6-311+G(2df,p) level on cluster models representing albite glasses using B3LYP/6 to 31G* optimized geometries. Calculation results on several well-known crystalline ...
(1997)Water film diffusion is one of the mechanisms proposed to explain the deformation of rocks by pressure-solution during geological processes in the upper crust. This mechanism assumes that matter is dissolved inside the ...
(2001)The impact of the spatial variability of porosity on the solution of the flow equation is investigated using standard first-order perturbation analysis. We use existing theories of flow in heterogeneous media and incorporate ...
(2006)Hydrogen traces change the physical properties of mantle minerals to an extent that is far out of proportion to its low concentration. These properties include mechanical strength, melting behavior, diffusion rate, electrical ...
(2002)The solubility of H2O in melts along the join CaSi4O4-Ca(Ca0.5Al)4O9 (0, 3, and 6 mol% Al2O3) has been determined at 0.8 to 2.0 GPa and 1200 to 1400°C and compared with the solubility of H2O in melts along the joins ...
Now showing items 16734-16753 of 24992