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21NE VERSUS 10BE AND 26AL EXPOSURE AGES OF FLUVIAL TERRACES: THE INFLUENCE OF CRUSTAL NE IN QUARTZ (2002)The accuracy of 21Ne surface exposure ages depends critically on the correction for a trapped Ne component. Commonly, the amount of cosmogenic Ne used to calculate 21Ne exposure ages is considered to be the Ne excess ...
(1999)Following accretion of southern Siberian microcontinents to the Siberian craton in the Early Paleozoic, five cycles of K-rich silicic magmatism, progressively decaying in volume, occurred on batholithic scales throughout ...
(2001)Critical consideration of varied Phanerozoic climatic models, and comparison of them against Phanerozoic global climatic gradients revealed by a compilation of Cambrian through Miocene climatically sensitive sediments ...
(2005)The relationships between the global carbon cycle and paleo-climates on short and long time scales have been based on studies of accumulation rate of the two main components of the sedimentary carbon reservoir, organic ...
(2002)A new classification of Paleozoic Radiolaria is developed. The subphylum Radiolaria includes two classes, i.e., Pheodaria and Polycystina. The class Polycystina is composed of the following seven orders: Sphaerellaria ...
(2002)We developed a plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic (Ordovician to Cretaceous) integrating dynamic plate boundaries, plate buoyancy, ocean spreading rates and major tectonic and magmatic events. Plates were ...
(2004)New data on the morphology of the genera Synocladia and Thamniscus are presented, and the diagnoses and species composition of these genera are revised. A new genus, Synocladiella Lisitsyn, and a new species, Thamniscus ...
(1996)A stable isotope study of 168 plutonic igneous rock and five water samples from Transbaikalia, East Asia, has been made, including 318 whole-rock and mineral 18O/16O analyses and 14 D/H analyses. This represents the first ...
(1985)The orientation of three intraplate magmatic belts—the Mongolian (from 130 to 280 m.y.), South Siberian (from 320 to 400 m.y.) and Baltic (from 365 to 400 m.y.) belts—which can be considered as hot spot tracks, are used ...
(2001)The Tuvino-Mongolian Massif (TMM) was previously interpreted as a Precambrian block within the Central Asian Mobile Belt. According to this idea, it consists of tectonic slices composed of metamorphic rocks of pre-Mesoproterozoic ...
(1999)Spore-and-pollen analysis of the Lapcha and Botuoba formations revealed four successive palynological assemblages. On the basis of the relative abundance of taxa and of the taxonomic composition of the assemblages, the ...
(1989)In one area of Yakutia there is a kimberlite pipe that is truncated by a thick (about 100 m) Permo-Triassic dolerite sill and other, smaller bodies of the traprock association. At the contact with the dolerite sill, the ...
(2002)Fifty-six rock and 28 crude oil samples from the sub-salt and supra-salt section of the southern Pre-Caspian Basin were analyzed by organic geochemical means. Eighty-five percent of the rock samples from the Cretaceous to ...
(2001)Archaeocyaths are calcareous, conical, Cambrian fossils with a long history of phylogenetic uncertainty and changing interpretations. The history of phylogenetic interpretation of archaeocyaths reveals five distinct schools ...
(2002)Zircon megacrysts from the Mir kimberlite, Yakutia, contain inclusions of chromite, chrome diopside, magnesian olivine, Ni-rich monosulfide solid solution and phlogopite. The mineral chemistry of the inclusion suite suggests ...
(2004)A new superorder of Paleozoic ectochochlian cephalopods, Astrovioidea superordo nov., is designated. A distinctive feature of this superorder is that the soft cameral tissue enters the siphon cavity and secrets calcareous ...
(2002)We present preliminary observations suggesting that variations among eolian dust flux, nutrient levels, and primary productivity may have been causally linked during the late Paleozoic icehouse. Modern oceanographic ...
(1981)Riphean and Palaeozoic linear graben-like platform depressions — aulacogens —jointly with linear swell uplifts in a platform cover, intraplatform folded zones and Meso-Cenozoic epi-platform rift zones are different ...
(1988)The golets zone in the mountains of southern Siberia occupies the summit belt of upland regions. Golets plants are enriched in many trace elements; the coefficient of biologic absorption, as calculated to the clarke for ...
Now showing items 1-20 of 183