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Now showing items 1-20 of 212
(1994)Four sections from the mid-Atdabanian to lowest Toyonian (middle Cambrian) along the Lena River of Siberia were sampled for carbon isotope stratigraphy. These show a mainly heavy but highly oscillatory δ13C signature for ...
(2001)Critical consideration of varied Phanerozoic climatic models, and comparison of them against Phanerozoic global climatic gradients revealed by a compilation of Cambrian through Miocene climatically sensitive sediments ...
(2000)A new genus Tubuterium gen. nov. with the species T. ivantsovi sp. nov. and T. seletiensis (Melnikova, 1990) is described. Significant attention is paid to the spines structure. Some affinities to bradoriid carapaces, ...
(2004)During the latest Neoproterozoic to Mid-Cambrian time (580–505 Ma ago), the Earth underwent significant changes in palaeogeography that included rifting of a possible supercontinent and the near simultaneous formation of ...
(1999)The latest Neoproterozoic through Cambrian is one of the most remarkable intervals in geologic time. Tectonically, the period from 580 to 490 Ma marks a time of rapid plate reorganization following the final stages of ...
(2006)Nitrogen releases to air and water are low in most of Canada, but in southern areas with rapid development there are telltale signs of the problems from releases to air and water that are described elsewhere in this volume. ...
(1998)Siberia contains several key reference sections for studies of biological and environmental evolution across the Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition. The Platonovskaya Formation, exposed in the Turukhansk region of western ...
A VENDIAN-CAMBRIAN ISLAND ARC SYSTEM OF THE SIBERIAN CONTINENT IN GORNY ALTAI (RUSSIA, CENTRAL ASIA) (2002)An extended Vendian-Cambrian island-arc system similar to the Izu-Bonin-Mariana type is described in the Gorny Altai terrane at the margin of the Siberian continent.Three different tectonic stages in the terrane are ...
(1999)The Cambrian-Ordovician boundary beds of the Moscow syneclise contain three acritarch assemblages; one of them is from the uppermost part of the Upper Cambrian (UC4B-1) and the other two from the lower Tremadocian (OT1 and ...
(2006)Low Sr and Ca contents in fine-grained terrigenous rocks of the Vendian sedimentary cover in the East European Platform may be related to the following reasons: (1) the absence of authigenic carbonates in Vendian mudstones ...
(2004)A new bivalved organism, identified as the earliest brachiopod Zhegallina antiqua gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Atdabanian Beds of the Dzun-Artsa locality. The inner surface of one specimen has a cast of a soft ...
(1996)New and revised Early Cambrian biostratigraphic data allow a quantitative analysis of changes in biotic diversity and extinction rate. The mid-Early Cambrian extinction can now be resolved into two distinct events: the ...
(2006)The Southern Urals of Russia contain what is arguably one of the best-preserved examples of an arc-continent collision in any Paleozoic orogen. The arc-continent collision history recorded in the rocks of the Southern Urals ...
(2001)Archaeocyaths are calcareous, conical, Cambrian fossils with a long history of phylogenetic uncertainty and changing interpretations. The history of phylogenetic interpretation of archaeocyaths reveals five distinct schools ...
(2004)Articulated palaeoscolecid sclerite arrays from the Lower Cambrian of eastern Siberia. Acta Geologica Polonica, 54, (1), 1-22. Warszawa. Phosphatized palaeoscolecid cuticle fragments of Palaeoscolex lubovae sp. nov., P. ...
(1988)We found natural lead-antimony alloys with very little or no tin, in heavy mineral concentrates from the Yukhotochka and the Tayezhka Creeks in the southeastern part of the Yukhta fault zone, central Aldan. The streams ...
(1990)In an area of the Eastern Aldan region, on the periphery of a large body of rocks of the ultramafic-alkalic carbonatite (UAC) association, in the middle of a formation of carbonate (dolomitic) rocks of Vendian to Early ...
(2004)A barium anomaly with a maximum Ba2+ concentration of 6.37mg/l was distinguished in a Cambrian-Vendian (Cm-V) aquifer system that is widely used as a drinking water source in the towns Kunda, Rakvere and Kohtla-Jrve of ...
(1988)The base of the Cordylodus proavus conodont Zone is the most appropriate horizon for the Cambrian–Ordovician Boundary. At Batyrbay the horizon reflects a significant global eustatic event that is marked by distinctive ...
(2004)The dynamics of faunal diversity of planktonic agnostid trilobites and benthic brachiopods in different paleobasins is compared. The diversity dynamics in these two groups was similar in paleobasins characterized by ...
Now showing items 1-20 of 212