Introduction of the Melekhov Horizon into the regional stratigraphic scale for the Upper Carboniferous of the Russian Platform is discussed. The new horizon corresponds to a separate regional sedimentation cycle that resulted in substantial reorganizations of benthic schwagerinid assemblages (Foraminifera, Schwagerinida) during the earliest and latest Melekhov epochs. It is suggested to include the Melekhov Horizon in regional stratigraphic schemes of the Urals. The subdivision of the new horizon in sections of the Perm' region into local Occidentoschwagerina ancestralis and Occidentoschwagerina konovalovae fusulinid zones is substantiated. Characteristics of the distinguished zones are presented, and their stratotype sections are described. The possibility of distinguishing these zones in sections of the southern Urals, southern Timan Ridge, Oka-Tsna Rampart, and Samarskaya Luka area is analyzed.