Only 58 analyses of eudialyte minerals, among 309 ones analyzed in the whole world, make the collection of re¬presentatives with the analytical sum more than 97.5 %. And totally, there are 29 chemical elements discovered in composition of this mineral. Now, after excluding hydro-eudialyte and minerals of alluaivite-eudialyte raw, 49 pro¬bes will rest. O, Si and Na are the principal elements, invariably present in composition of all eudialytes. Measured in atomic percent's, O, Si, Na are the major chemical elements also, and all those 49 probes can be subdivided, by cati¬ons, into following groups: CaFe — 30 probes, CaMn — 10, CaSr — 2, CaAl — 1, MnCa — 6, MnREE -— 1 mine¬ral species. The minor element Nb exists in all eudialytes, whereas W (tungsten) was detected in CaSr probes only. These minerals could be classified as chemical-structural varieties of the mineral species eudialyte, the same are the samples with doubled с parameter.