The detailed time-space distribution of acoustic emission (AE) events during the catastrophic fracture of rock samples containing a pre-existing joint or potential fracture plane is obtained under triaxial compression using a high-speed 32-channel waveform recording system, and the results are discussed with respect to the prediction and characterization of catastrophic fault failure. AE activity is modeled quantitatively in terms of the seismic b-value of the magnitude–frequency relation, the self-excitation strength of the AE time series, and the fractal dimension of AE hypocenters. Consistent with previous studies on rock samples containing a fracture plane with several asperities, the present analyses reveal three long-term phases of AE activity associated with damage creation on heterogeneous faults, each clearly identifiable based on the above parameters. A long-term decreasing trend and short-term fluctuation of the b-value in the phase immediately preceding dynamic fracture are identified as characteristic features of the failure of heterogeneous faults. Based on the experimental results it is suggested that precursory anomalies related to earthquakes and other events associated with rock failure are strongly dependent on the heterogeneity of the fault or rock mass. A homogeneous fault or rock mass appears to fracture unpredictably without a consistent trend in precursory statistics, while inhomogeneous faults fracture with clear precursors related to the nature of the heterogeneity.