Show simple item record Peretyazhko T. Sposito G. 2023-12-23T04:12:16Z 2023-12-23T04:12:16Z 2005
dc.identifier.citation Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, 69, 14, 3643-3652
dc.identifier.issn 0016-7037
dc.description.abstract Phosphorus is one of the nutrients most commonly limiting net primary production in soils of humid tropical forests, mainly because insoluble Al and Fe phosphates and strong sorption to Fe(III) (hydr)oxides remove P from the bioavailable pool. Recent field studies have suggested, however, that this loss may be balanced by organic P accumulation under a wet moisture regime (>3350 mm annual precipitation). It has been hypothesized that, as the moisture regime changes from dry to mesic to wet, periods of anoxic soil conditions increase in intensity and duration, depleting Fe(III) (hydr)oxides and releasing sorbed P, but also slowing organic matter turnover, thus shifting the repository of soil P from minerals to humus. Almost no quantitative information is available concerning the coupled biogeochemical behavior of Fe and P in highly weathered forest soils that would allow examination of this hypothesis. In this paper, we report a laboratory incubation study of the effects of biotic Fe(III) (hydr)oxide reduction on P solubilization in a humid tropical forest soil (Ultisol) under a wet moisture regime (3000-4000 mm annual rainfall). The objectives of our study were: (1) To quantify Fe(III) reduction and P solubilization processes in a highly weathered forest soil expected to typify the hypothesized mineral dissolution-organic matter accumulation balance; (2) to examine the influence of electron shuttling on these processes using anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), a well-known surrogate for the semiquinone electron shuttles in humic substances, as an experimental probe; and (3) to characterize the chemical forms of Fe(II) and P produced under anoxic conditions, both with and without AQDS. Two series of short-term incubation experiments were carried out, one without AQDS and another with an initial AQDS concentration of 150 μM. We measured pH, pE, and the production of Fe(II), total Fe [Fe(II) + Fe(III)], inorganic P, total P (inorganic P + organic P), and biogenic gases (CO2, H2 and CH4). The same positive correlation was found between soluble P release and soluble Fe(II) production throughout incubation, implying that reduction of Fe(III) solubilized P. The Fe(II) produced was mainly particulate, evidently due to the formation of Fe(II) solid phases. Thermodynamic calculations indicated that precipitation of siderite and, in the presence of AQDS, vivianite was favored under the anoxic conditions that developed rapidly in the soil suspensions. Inorganic soluble P released during incubation was very small, indicating that the soluble P produced was mainly in organic form, which is consistent with the hypothesis that P accumulates in soil humus. Our net CO2 production, H2 consumption, and Fe(II) production data all suggested that reductive dissolution of Fe(III) (hydr)oxides was a terminal electron-accepting process coupled both to H2 consumption and organic C oxidation by the native population of microorganisms in the soil. Addition of AQDS accelerated the production of Fe(II) and the release of soluble P, while hastening the decline in H2 gas levels and suppressing CH4 production. However, throughout incubation, the same quantitative relationships between soluble Fe(II) and P, and between pE and pH, were found, irrespective of AQDS addition. Thus we conclude that, in our soil incubation experiments, added AQDS functioned with the native microbial population solely as an electron shuttle catalyzing Fe(III) reduction. Whether humic substances in the soil also can act as electron shuttles in this way is a matter for future investigation. Copyright © 2005 Elsevier Ltd.
dc.subject iron(III) reduction
dc.subject tropical forest soils
dc.type Статья
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.gca.2005.03.045

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