For Marunkeusky eclogitc-gnciss complex (the Polar Urals) the mineralogy was purposely studied within following scries of rocks: garnet amphibolites - eclogitized garnet amphibolites-mctasomatic almandine eclo-gites-quartz-mica rock; garnet amphibolites, plagiogneisses - porhyroblastic and veined almandine cclogi-te - mica-quartz schist. It has been revealed that garnet amphibolites, where amphibole is represented by its mineral species from barroisitc, katophoritc and taramite scries, and the garnet - by its Ca-pyrope-almandine variety, arc really the transformed rocks, the isofacial ones to eclogitcs. The mere forming of the apoeclogite amphibolites has a strictly local character: they arc composed of an amphibole of the edcnitc or pargasite-hastin-gsitc series, hornblende, often in association with albite, and the Ca-almandinc with rather low contents of pyro-pe and calcium components. Thus, for the intcrlaycred bodies of amphibolites, gneisses and migmatitcs with eclogitcs, there was distinguished the following series of stages: the amphibolite metamorphism (plus plagiograni-tization) - cclogitic one - epidote-amphibolitic (plus grccnschist facies) one.