In the Moment-ratio Imaging algorithm, which is based on the theory of healing of a wound, the energy of each strong earthquake is distributed around the epicenter according to certain rules, and the features of the Moment-ratio value R are analyzed as the space and time change, so that the relationships between the Moment-ration value R and strong earthquakes can be found. In the present paper, regions divided, hypocenter depths and events completed magnitude analyses were carried out in the Chinese catalogue. By applying the Moment-ratio Imaging algorithm in which the parameters are adjusted, the processes of anomaly evolution which correspond to the epicenter and the surrounding value R before earthquakes of M≥7.0 since 1966 in different areas of China were analyzed. It was found that the range area and imminent time of a coming earthquake could be confirmed quantitatively by analyzing the abnormal temporal and spatial variation of the value R. The results showed that the temporal and spatial variation of the value R could quantitatively reflect the temporal and spatial factors of a coming strong earthquake as well as the rule of medium rupture.