The Pressure-Temperature-time paths of metapelites sampled on an east-west transect across the structural dome of Naxos (Greece) have been reconstructed on the basis of new geothermobarometric data and Rb/ Sr dating, as well as previously published data. One sample from an intermediate structural level records pressure and temperature conditions of 10 kbar, 500°C, corresponding to its exhumation in a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP/LT) setting. The corresponding Rb/Sr exhumation age is 29.3±1.3(2σ) Ma. Toward the center of the dome, metamorphic assemblages record an increase in peak-temperature and corresponding pressure (from 500 to 700°C, and from 5 to 8 kbar), in a medium-pressure/medium-temperature (MP/MT) metamorphic field gradient. Whole-rock, muscovite and biotite on two samples from deep structural levels define ages of 5.2 and 7.0 Ma, whereas garnets fall outside the isochrons and retain earlier less radiogenic signatures. Rb/Sr data on these two samples demonstrate open system behaviour coeval with, or subsequent to MP/MT metamorphism. The interpretation of the Pressure-Temperature-time paths indicates a time span of 15-20 Ma for dome formation. It also suggests that the HP/LT to MP/MT transition is due to i) heating of deeper parts of the dome through magma injection or ii) either homogeneous (75 %) or localized thinning during dome formation. © 2006 Lavoisier SAS. All rights reserved.