The most evolved rocks of the Pilansberg alkaline complex are aegirine lujavrites in which three varieties of eudialyte are recognized on the basis of textural relationships and composition. Manganoan eudialyte-I is a relict orthomagmatic phase occurring as poikilitic plates or as relict grains in pseudomorphed euhedral phenocrysts. Late eudialyte-II ranges in composition from manganoan eudialyte through kentbrooksite to taseqite-like varieties and is considered to be formed by cation exchange with eudialyte-I and alkaline fluids. Eudialyte-III is a hydrothermal phase replacing eudialyte-II, and has either taseqite-like (5-7.3 wt.% SrO, < 2.0 wt.% REE2O3) or kentbrooksite (< 1.5 wt.% SrO, ~ 8.5 wt.% REE2O3) compositions. Three styles of replacement of eudialyte-I and -II are recognizable. Type 1 involves replacement by complex aggregates of zircon, fergusonite-(Ce), allanite-(Ce), britholite-(Ce), titanite, pyrochlore, albite and potassium feldspar, i.e. a "miaskitic" paragenesis. Type 2 alteration consists of complex aggregates dominated by deuteric Na-Zr-silicates (?catapleiite), stronalsite, strontium-apatite and lamprophyllite replacing eudialyte-I and -II and relicts of the "miaskitic paragenesis", i.e. a highly sodic "agpaitic-to-hyperagpaitic" paragenesis. Type 3 replacement involves mantling of any residual eudialyte-II and zircon, and replacement of deuteric Na-Zr-silicates by eudialyte-III together with barytolamprophyllite as late hydrothermal phases. Further alteration and replacement resulted in the superposition of natrolite, britholite, pyrochlore, allanite and diverse Ba- and Mn-based minerals onto the types 2 and 3 assemblages, and ultimately to the deposition of allanite-(La), La-dominant REE carbonates and rarely a silica phase. All of the alteration styles are considered to have occurred in situ under subsolidus conditions (< 450 °C) by interaction of pre-existing eudialyte and other minerals with deuteric, sodium- and chlorine-bearing aqueous fluids. The evolution of the replacement products is from a miaskitic through an agpaitic to a hyperagpaitic paragenesis and ultimately back to a low agpaitic-to-miaskitic assemblage, reflecting changes in the a(Na+)/a(Cl-) ratio and alkalinity of the deuteric/hydrothermal fluids. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.